As a bokeh lover, I always enjoy any kind of Bokeh shots, models, flowers, birds, anything..... The next is my shots on flowers in Bokeh. Most of them were framed in by using my murah meriah (cheap) lens, but for me it is powerful enough to capture the objects. I tried to apply The Rule of Thirds in all shots (see: ) even though it is not a must. So, here they are.
Indah...pekat..menyatu..,terasa nyata bisa d rasakan,oroma wangi bunga dan tetesan embun y membawa terbang,paduan warna demi warna membuat hati damai,pancaran cahaya,terang,redup,bersahutan d saat d petikan oleh sang canon,mmmm...damai..semua serasa ada d sekeliling,semua terungkap dari mahakarya sang penjepret...(By bhia hazel)